Breaking News

Vision 2030: Saudi Arabia Plans Citizenship for Skilled Professionals

Vision 2030: Saudi Arabia Plans Citizenship for Skilled Professionals

Saudi Arabia issued a royal decree on Thursday offering citizenship to a select group of individuals whose expertise could advance various sectors in line with its Vision 2030 goals. The decree targets scientists, medical professionals, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and other specialists, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

This move underscores the nation’s ongoing efforts to attract global talent with unique capabilities. It aligns with Saudi Arabia’s aim to harness exceptional skills that can drive development across its sectors, supporting the broader Vision 2030 initiative. Vision 2030, launched in 2016 by King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, seeks to transform Saudi Arabia into a diversified, innovative, and globally competitive nation.

Read more: Saudi Arabia Starts Processing Umrah Visas

The initiative focuses on building a vibrant society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation, with strategic objectives designed to ensure effective implementation of programs across various sectors.
