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Joe Biden Withdraws from U.S. Presidential Elections 2024 Race

Joe Biden Withdraws from U.S. Presidential Elections 2024 Race

US President Joe Biden has decided to withdraw from the 2024 re-election race, citing immense pressure from fellow Democrats and stating that his departure is in the best interest of both his party and the country. He made this announcement via a letter on social media, creating significant upheaval in the upcoming presidential election with just under four months remaining until voters cast their ballots on November 5.

In his announcement, Biden described his presidency as the greatest honor of his life and mentioned he would address the nation further about his decision later in the week. This unexpected move is expected to have global implications, adding uncertainty to US foreign policy and the White House’s international influence amid ongoing geopolitical tensions.

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Biden’s choice follows intense discussions within the Democratic Party and a poor debate performance against Trump that raised concerns about his mental fitness and impacted his voter support. A recent Associated Press poll indicated that nearly two-thirds of Democratic voters believed Biden should exit the race.
