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Peruvian ‘Alien Mummies’ Revealed as Elaborate Hoax with Human and Animal Parts

Peruvian 'Alien Mummies' Revealed as Elaborate Hoax with Human and Animal Parts

In October, two alleged “alien mummies” surfaced at Lima airport, Peru. A recent scientific analysis discredits extraterrestrial origins. Experts, speaking at a Lima press conference, revealed the specimens as humanoid dolls likely crafted from human and animal parts, debunking claims of alien connections.

Flavio Estrada, an archaeologist from Peru’s Institute for Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, clarified that the figurines found in a DHL office were not extraterrestrial but rather dolls made from animal bones with synthetic glue. The presentation aimed to dispel the notion of an extraterrestrial narrative, calling it a fabricated story.

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The dolls, resembling mummified bodies in traditional Andean attire, fueled media speculation about possible alien origins. A separate analysis of a three-fingered hand from Peru’s Nazca region found no ties to alien life.

Earlier in September, similar figures presented in Mexico garnered media attention, with claims of their recovery from Peru in 2017. However, experts dismissed them as likely fraudulent, a combination of ancient human mummies and animal parts, firmly rooted on Earth.

During the Lima press conference, experts emphasized that the dolls in DHL’s possession were unrelated to the Mexico case. They stressed that the remains in Mexico were also not extraterrestrial, further debunking the notion of alien connections.
