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Turkey Launches First domestic Satellite Using SpaceX Falcon 9

Turkey successfully launched its first homegrown communications satellite, Turksat 6A, into orbit using a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida,

President Tayyip Erdogan praised this milestone as a “new phase” for Turkey’s satellite capabilities, marking a significant advancement in the country’s space ambitions and showcasing its growing expertise in space technology.

Read more: PakSat MM1Satellite Enters Earth’s Orbit Successfully

Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu highlighted that Turksat 6A was developed over ten years, with more than 81% of its components and technology sourced domestically, emphasizing Turkey’s commitment to building its technological capabilities.

The satellite is expected to greatly enhance Turkey’s satellite coverage, providing improved communication services to regions around the world, including densely populated areas like India and Indonesia, potentially benefiting up to 5 billion people.

The launch of Turksat 6A demonstrates Turkey’s growing capability in space technology and reflects its broader ambitions to become a key player in the global space industry. This new satellite aims to enhance Turkey’s communication infrastructure, support technological innovation, and improve services for millions worldwide.
