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Multinational special forces exercise in K-P concludes.

Multinational special forces exercise in K-P concludes.

A multinational special forces exercise named “Eternal Brotherhood-II” involving troops from Pakistan, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Qatar, and Uzbekistan concluded in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa after a two-week duration. The exercise commenced on September 17 in Brotha, as announced by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

Corps Commander 11 Corps attended the closing ceremony as chief guest along with Director General Military Training and General Officer Commanding Special Service Group.

In addition to the participating troops, the statement noted that officers from the allied nations were present at the concluding ceremony. On the final day, the special forces from the participating countries showcased their exceptional professionalism.

The primary objective of the exercise was to strengthen the longstanding military relations among friendly nations and promote collaborative efforts in countering terrorism. It also aimed to identify potential areas for future military cooperation.

