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Pakistan Welcomes UN Resolution on Islamophobia

Pakistan Welcomes UN Resolution on Islamophobia

On Saturday, Pakistan extended a warm welcome to the adoption of the resolution titled “Measures to Combat Islamophobia” by the UN General Assembly, garnering overwhelming support. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing Pakistan’s appreciation for the resolution, which was presented on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as a continuation of the General Assembly Resolution 76/254. This earlier resolution designated the 15th of March as the International Day to combat Islamophobia.


The resolution passed by the General Assembly condemns all forms of incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence against Muslims. It specifically addresses the concerning rise in incidents such as desecration of the Holy Quran, attacks on mosques, religious sites, and shrines, along with other acts of religious intolerance, negative stereotyping, hatred, and violence directed towards Muslims.

Also Read: UN Passes Pakistani Resolution Condemning Islamophobia

Furthermore, the General Assembly has urged Member States to implement legislative and policy measures aimed at combating religious intolerance, negative stereotyping, hatred, incitement to violence, and actual violence targeting Muslims. Pakistan has expressed its support for this call and emphasized the importance of collective action in addressing such challenges.

A significant aspect of the resolution is the endorsement of the appointment of a “United Nations Special Envoy to combat Islamophobia.” This unprecedented step marks a historic milestone in the global effort to counter the scourge of Islamophobia. The establishment of this special envoy position underscores the international community’s commitment to tackling the growing threat of discrimination and violence against Muslims worldwide.

The timing of the resolution’s adoption is particularly critical, given the escalating incidents of Islamophobia observed globally. Pakistan highlights the pressing need to address these challenges and stands in solidarity with efforts aimed at promoting tolerance, understanding, and respect for religious diversity.

In summary, the adoption of the resolution signifies a significant step forward in the international community’s collective response to combatting Islamophobia. Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to supporting initiatives that promote religious harmony, tolerance, and mutual respect among all communities.
