Breaking News

Three Car Lifters Were Killed By Their Own Gang Members During An Encounter In Islamabad

Three Car Lifters Were Killed By Their Own Gang Members During An Encounter In Islamabad

During a police encounter in Islamabad on Sunday, three members of a notorious inter-provincial car lifters gang were killed by their own accomplices, while a female member of the gang was arrested. The police had been tracking this dangerous gang for the past two months, gathering information through safe city cameras and informants.

According to intelligence reports, the gang was headed towards Murree. Acting on this information, teams from the Anti Vehicle Lifting Cell (AVLC), Counter Terrorism Force (CTF), and Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) set up special checkpoints in various areas.

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An Islamabad police spokesperson reported that officers at the Kashmir Chowk checkpoint attempted to stop two vehicles—a Toyota GLI and a Honda Civic—coming from Murree Road on Sunday morning. The gang members inside the vehicles suddenly began firing at the police.

In the ensuing exchange, three gang members were killed by gunfire from their partners in the GLI car. A woman, Hasiba Amjad, was injured in the crossfire, while the shooters escaped in the GLI. The injured and deceased were taken to the hospital. The deceased were identified as Ilyas Khan and Waqas Khan from Charsada, with one body yet to be identified. Ilyas Khan was the leader of the gang.

The gang had stolen a car from Murree and another vehicle, a Honda Civic, from Lahore. Police recovered non-specimen number plates, jammers, mobiles, ignition breakers, SMG guns, and pistols from the Honda Civic. A heavy police presence arrived at the scene, and teams were dispatched to apprehend the fleeing suspects.
