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Mobile Data and Social Media Apps are Resuming in Pakistan After Firewall Installation

Mobile Data and Social Media Apps are Resuming in Pakistan After Firewall Installation

Mobile Data and Social Media Apps in Pakistan are gradually resuming after a prolonged disruption caused by the installation of a new firewall designed to control the spread of anti-state and harmful content.

For several weeks, users experienced difficulties in downloading and sending multimedia files on platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram. However, services are now slowly recovering, with some users able to download files using mobile data.

Read more: Firewall-Induced Internet Disruptions Might Lead to $300 Million Loss for Pakistan Economy

The slow internet speeds had significantly impacted online businesses, disrupting transactions and communication with clients and suppliers.

The full restoration of internet services is anticipated to resolve these issues and stabilize online operations.

Reports indicated that a second trial of the firewall installation had caused severe slowdowns in mobile internet and social media services, but the trial was successful.

The firewall, equipped with Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), aims to block anti-state content and enhance national security.
