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Tesla May Introduce Self-Driving Cars with Reversible Seats

Tesla May Introduce Self-Driving Cars with Reversible Seats

Tesla has indicated in communications with regulators that its future self-driving vehicles may feature seats that can rotate to face backward.

As self-driving technology progresses, it will enable innovative changes in vehicle design, moving beyond the traditional layouts centered around human drivers. With the potential elimination of manual controls, there are new opportunities to rethink car interiors.

Read more: Elon Musk Says Tesla Will Deploy Humanoid Robots By Next Year

Regulators are currently assessing how to address these design changes for safety. In response to a request for industry feedback from Australian regulators, Tesla provided insights on whether vehicles with advanced driving automation but still having manual controls should have specific seating position requirements when the automated system is engaged, Tesla answered:

“No, As this would negatively impact for-purpose designs in terms of safety or comfort. For example, when a level 4 ADS is operational, the system may alow the driver-turned-occupant the possibility to fully reclient their seat and to sleep. In terms of seatbelt requirements, we suggest that these are applicable when the human driver is in control of the vehicle only unless specifically instructed or required other wise by the ADS.”

In another response, Tesla talked about seats that rotate:

“Provided appropriate safety measures are implemented, vehicle designs that facilitate fully reclining or rotating seats, or designs without forward-oriented seats are imaginable or vehicle design where only a center seating position (e.g for heavy duty vehicles) are foreseeable.”

While it’s wise to remain cautious, as Tesla might be trying to minimize regulations that could impact its future projects, this hint could also reveal plans for upcoming products.

For instance, the mention of a “center seating position” likely refers to the interior of the Tesla Semi, which has already been revealed. It’s also plausible that the upcoming Tesla Robotaxi, set to be unveiled on October 10, could feature rotating, lie-flat seats.
