Breaking News

 Police declared incident at ‘Trail 3’ was fake

 Police declared incident at 'Trail 3' was fake

According to Islamabad Capital Police, the alleged rape of a female on a hiking trail in Margalla Hills was staged to exact revenge and extort money following a dispute.

The incident reported on the Trail 3 hiking trail in the federal capital was investigated by police. The story generated headlines and was considered as an example of women’s safety in public settings being lacking

According to an Islamabad police spokeswoman, the event was staged and was the result of a personal feud between the primary culprit and his companion.

Nauman, the accused, had a falling out with his partner Anwar, who recruited a gang to get revenge. Saima, Dr. Sidra Ismail, a phony journalist named Shakeel, and a phony police officer named Manzoor were among those in the group.

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According to authorities, Anwar phoned a Rawalpindi resident named Saima and falsely accused Nauman of rape. Saima contacted Sidra, a Sheikhupura resident, and plotted to manufacture a rape scene against Nauman.

They planned that Sidra would accompany the accused to Trail 3 and pretend to be sexually abused before yelling. The rest of the gang was meant to get to the location and film videos. They would blackmail the accused and demand money from him and his family

Sidra arrived to Trail 3 with accused Nauman on the day of the incident, but the rest of the gang did not. Sidra waited for a long time before traveling to Rawalpindi.

According to the authorities, the matter was thoroughly probed. The police escorted the girl to the police station, where she informed the magistrate all of the facts and the plan.

According to police, the organization blackmails and extorts money from people. According to police, two cases have been filed against Sidra in Sheikhupura and Muridke.

Anwar Haq, a gang member, has a criminal history, according to police. While the case was being investigated, it was aggressively promoted on social media.

Citizens were asked not to trust rumors until the final police report was issued. They said that such a campaign may have impacted police investigations and aided criminals.


