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India’s Threat to PUBG Love Bird

India's Threat to PUBG Love Bird

The Gau Raksha Hindu Dal, a right-wing organisation, has promised to conduct a major protest unless a Pakistani woman who illegally entered the country to be with her Indian partner is deported.

Seema Haider has been given a 72-hour deadline to leave the country by the organization. Ved Nagar, the group’s national president, produced a video statement saying that Seema Haider could be a spy for Pakistan, posing a security risk to the country.

“We won’t tolerate a woman from a traitorous nation. If Seema Haider does not leave the country in 72 hours, we will begin an agitation.”

Seema denied being a spy in an interview with India Today:

“There is no such thing. The truth will eventually come out. If this were true, I would not have traveled to India with my innocent children.”


In 2019, Seema Ghulam Haider, 30, and Sachin Meena, 25, began a romantic relationship while playing PUBG. She illegally entered India through Nepal earlier this year, and the couple began cohabiting in a leased flat in Greater Noida’s Rabupura neighborhood with Seema’s four children.

On July 4, 2023, she was arrested for improper entry into India without a visa via Nepal. Sachin was detained as well for assisting her. However, both were later released on bond.

Gulam Haider, Seema’s husband in Pakistan, on the other side, made an emotional plea to the Indian government to repatriate his wife and children. In a video, he stated that PUBG persuaded and tricked his wife into flying to India.

Seema’s friends and family, on the other hand, expressed their desire for her not to return to Pakistan.



