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Sana Fakhar and Fakhar Ali divorce after their marriage.

LAHORE- ​Sana Fakhar, a well-known actress, and her husband, Fakhar Ali, have separated in an unexpected turn of events. The information was made public after Sana Fakhar went to the Cantt Union Council in Lahore and received a certificate attesting to their separation.

Sana Fakhar and her ex-husband, Fakhar Ali, reportedly had several chances over the course of three months to settle their issues through face-to-face negotiations, according to sources within the Union Council. They made an effort to patch things up, but it didn’t work out.

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It has come to light that Sana Fakhar received a home from Fakhar Ali in Lahore. The Union Council issued the divorce certificate at Sana Fakhar’s request and in compliance with the legislation. In 2008, the pair were married Over the years, Sana Fakhar, a well-known character in the film business, has developed a sizable fan base. She is well known for her acting talent and has given standout performances in several films.

However, the breakdown of her marriage to Fakhar Ali has recently put her personal life front and Centre. Their long-standing partnership has come to an end as a result of their choice to separate.
