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World in Flux: Muhammed Faisal Foresees a New Asian-Led Order Amid Escalating Global Tensions

World in Flux: Muhammed Faisal Foresees a New Asian-Led Order Amid Escalating Global Tensions

Renowned analyst, international mediator, and head of the World Peace Mission, Muhammed Faisal, has once again issued a stark warning: the recent decisions by the G7 are pushing Russian President Vladimir Putin towards taking unilateral actions. This ominous forecast comes amid a series of strategic moves by Russia on the global stage, which Faisal has been predicting with uncanny accuracy.

Before Putin’s high-profile visit to North Korea, Faisal had already anticipated that significant defense agreements would be forged between the two nations. True to his prediction, it was later announced that Russia and North Korea had indeed entered into strategic defense cooperation agreements. Faisal interprets this as part of Russia’s broader strategy to align itself with key partners in anticipation of future conflicts.

Putin’s diplomatic activities don’t stop at North Korea. His upcoming visit to Vietnam is seen as another piece of this intricate geopolitical puzzle. According to Faisal, Russia is systematically reinforcing its alliances, preparing for a potential global conflict. Putin’s influence extends deeply into the Middle East, with strategic engagements in Egypt and Libya, further indicating his commitment to strengthening Russia’s global military and political presence.

Faisal highlights Iran’s current silence on these developments, describing it as highly significant. He believes that Iran is poised to play a crucial role alongside Russia in the near future. The alignment of these powers, according to Faisal, is setting the stage for what could become a major global conflict. He forecasts that the onset of this global war might occur as soon as July 2024. However, Faisal reassures that it is expected to be a conventional war, characterized by limited use of destructive weaponry. Nonetheless, he cautions that a single misstep could escalate this conflict into a full-scale war.

The analyst also sheds light on the deepening cooperation between China and Russia. He describes BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as a game-changing alliance that is challenging the dominance of the US dollar. This economic shift is seen as a critical element in the emerging new world order, one that places Asia at the forefront of global power dynamics.

Muhammed Faisal’s analysis goes beyond just the immediate geopolitical landscape. He envisions a significant decline in American supremacy and the rise of a new world order centered in Asia. This transition, he argues, will be solidified if Pakistan, the only nuclear-armed Muslim country, firmly aligns itself with Russia, China, and Iran. Such a coalition, according to Faisal, would dramatically shift the balance of power towards Asia.

Faisal emphasizes that the international community, which has long viewed global politics through the lens of American dominance, must now recognize this profound shift. He urges Europe to come to terms with this new reality and to distance itself from American influence. The implications of these changes are vast and multifaceted, affecting global economic systems, military alliances, and political strategies.

Putin’s Strategic Pivot: Russia’s Defence Deals with North Korea and Beyond

In recent developments, Russia’s defense agreements with North Korea signal a significant pivot in its military strategy. These deals, which Muhammed Faisal accurately predicted, highlight Putin’s proactive approach to bolstering his country’s defense capabilities through strategic alliances. The cooperation between Russia and North Korea is not merely symbolic but represents a calculated move to enhance Russia’s military readiness in anticipation of future conflicts. This partnership underscores the importance of North Korea in Russia’s broader geopolitical strategy, especially given the nation’s strategic location and military capabilities.

Middle Eastern Maneuvers: Russia’s Growing Influence in Egypt and Libya

Russia’s expanding influence in the Middle East is another critical component of its global strategy. By engaging with countries like Egypt and Libya, Putin is securing crucial footholds in a region that is historically volatile and strategically important. Faisal points out that these maneuvers are part of a larger plan to establish Russia as a dominant power in the Middle East. This involvement not only enhances Russia’s geopolitical influence but also provides it with strategic advantages in terms of military positioning and resource access.

The Silent Ally: Iran’s Potential Role in a Shifting Global Power Dynamic

Iran’s current silence on these developments is, according to Faisal, laden with potential. He believes that Iran is biding its time, waiting for the opportune moment to assert its role in the emerging global order. Iran’s strategic location, military capabilities, and historical ties with Russia make it a pivotal player in this evolving scenario. Faisal predicts that Iran will soon emerge as a key ally to Russia, further solidifying the alliance of powers that challenge Western dominance.

BRICS and the Decline of the Dollar: The Rise of an Asian-Centric World Order

The strengthening ties between China and Russia within the framework of BRICS are reshaping the global economic landscape. Faisal describes this alliance as a game-changer that is undermining the dominance of the US dollar. The economic cooperation among BRICS nations is paving the way for a new world order where Asia plays a central role. This shift is not just economic but also political, as it represents a move towards a multipolar world where Western influence is significantly diminished.


In summary, Muhammed Faisal’s analysis paints a picture of a world on the brink of significant change. The strategic moves by Russia, the silent positioning of Iran, and the economic rise of BRICS all point towards an emerging new world order centered in Asia. Faisal’s predictions suggest that the international community must prepare for a future where American dominance is no longer a given, and new alliances shape the global landscape. As Europe grapples with its place in this shifting paradigm, it must reconsider its alliances and strategies in light of these profound changes. The coming months and years promise to be pivotal as these global dynamics
