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Sci-fi Meets Reality: First-Ever Dream Communication Achieved


Researchers at California-based startup REMspace have reached a groundbreaking milestone, enabling two people to communicate while in lucid dreams—a state where the dreamer becomes aware they are dreaming. Using advanced equipment and a specialized language called “Remmyo,” the participants successfully exchanged messages during sleep, marking a major leap forward in dream communication.

The experiment, conducted on September 24, involved two volunteers who entered lucid dreams from different locations while their brain activity was remotely monitored. The first participant received a random word through earbuds, repeated it in the dream, and the message was captured. Eight minutes later, the second participant entered a lucid state, received the message, and confirmed it upon waking. This historic exchange marks the first “chat” ever conducted through lucid dreams.

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Michael Raduga, CEO and founder of REMspace, highlighted the significance of this achievement: “Yesterday, communicating in dreams seemed like science fiction. Tomorrow, it will be so common we won’t be able to imagine our lives without this technology.” Raduga foresees a future where real-time communication through lucid dreams becomes a revolutionary industry, potentially rivaling artificial intelligence in its impact.

This development not only opens new possibilities for dream communication but also holds immense potential for both commercial and scientific advancements. As the technology evolves, the way we think about interaction and communication could be forever changed.
