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Saudi Arabia Modifies the Ghilaf-e-Kaaba to Commemorate the Islamic New Year

Saudi Arabia Modifies the Ghilaf-e-Kaaba to Commemorate the Islamic New Year

As the Muslim world celebrated the start of the new Islamic year, an important tradition took place in the Grand Mosque: the replacement of the Holy Kaaba’s kiswa, also known as Ghilaf-e-Kaaba.

On the first of Muharram, a team of professional workmen changed the kiswa, or covering, of the Holy Kaaba. They carefully untied the golden rings that held the old kiswa in place before draping the new kiswa over the Holy Kaaba. The old kiswa is then removed and slid beneath the new one.

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Creating this magnificent kiswa was no easy task. Over 100 skilled craftspeople hand-embroider the 56 pieces of fabric that comprise the kiswa. Each artwork takes from 60 to 120 days to finish.

The kiswa is made out of 120 kilos of gold thread and 100 kilograms of silver.

The Holy Kaaba not only appears lovely with this tradition, but it also has a rich history and spiritual significance. Pilgrims from all over the world assemble at the Grand Mosque to commemorate the start of the Islamic New Year.


