Breaking News

Saudi Citizen Kidnapped from Islamabad’s F-8 Area

Saudi Citizen Kidnapped from Islamabad's F-8 Area

The abduction of a foreign national in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, has prompted law enforcement authorities to take action. Following a complaint from a Saudi embassy official, the Margalla police station registered an FIR naming Abdul Wahid Shahid Khan as the accused in the abduction of Hanan Abdullah al-Bashar, a Saudi national.

This incident has raised concerns about the safety of foreign citizens in Islamabad, prompting increased vigilance from both local authorities and diplomatic missions. The Saudi embassy is closely monitoring the situation and working with Pakistani law enforcement to ensure the safe return of their national.

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This abduction comes in the wake of another concerning incident involving the disappearance of a senior officer from the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Rawalpindi. In that case, the kidnappers have demanded a significant ransom of Rs10 million from the officer’s family, prompting them to file an FIR for the kidnapping.

These incidents underscore the importance of robust security measures and collaborative efforts between law enforcement agencies and diplomatic missions to ensure the safety and security of all individuals, both domestic and foreign, within Pakistan’s borders.
