Indian singer Diljit Dosanjh is facing legal trouble following his New Year’s Eve concert in Ludhiana, where he performed songs allegedly promoting alcohol. The tracks, part of his ‘Dil-Luminati’ tour, include ‘Patiala Peg’ and ‘5 Taara Theke,’ which critics say glorify alcohol consumption.
A complaint by Chandigarh-based professor Punditrao Dharenavar led to a notice from the Women and Child Department requesting Ludhiana officials to prevent such performances. Dharenavar cited a 2019 court ruling banning songs promoting alcohol or violence at public events.
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Concerns were raised about the impact on young audiences, with Dharenavar criticizing the association of these songs with cultural symbols like the turban. Despite prior advisories, Dosanjh made only minor lyric changes during performances.
The Ludhiana concert, held at Punjab Agricultural University, was a last-minute addition to conclude the Indian leg of Dosanjh’s tour.