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PTI Calls for CEC’s Resignation Amid Allegations of Poll Fraud

PTI Calls for CEC's Resignation Amid Allegations of Poll Fraud

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is calling for the immediate resignation of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja, accusing him of neglecting his constitutional and legal responsibilities and facilitating what the party alleges as ‘poll fraud.’ PTI contends that not only should CEC Raja step down, but the entire Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) should also submit their resignations.

The party claims collusion between CEC and ECP members in manipulating the outcome of the February 8 general elections, marked by widespread reports of vote rigging. PTI asserts that it initially held a lead of 170 National Assembly seats before the alleged rigging tilted the balance in favor of the PML-N.

Also Read: PTI Supporters Arrested in Rawalpindi Protest

PTI spokesperson Raoof Hasan insists that legal avenues will be pursued to expose and rectify the alleged rigging, emphasizing the party’s commitment to reclaiming what they perceive as their stolen mandate.

This demand for CEC’s resignation is not unprecedented, as PTI founder Imran Khan had previously called for Raja’s resignation on multiple occasions, citing suspicions of collaboration with the PML-N. The party accuses CEC and ECP members of failing in their constitutional and legal duties, compromising democracy, and violating the public mandate.

Furthermore, PTI rejects what it sees as attempts to manipulate election results, warning against imposing the opposition alliance, PDM-2, on the nation through what it terms as “daylight robbery on public mandate.” PTI asserts its right, as the largest and most popular party, to form a government and rejects the economic and administrative failures attributed to the opposition alliance, PDM. The party emphasizes the people’s rejection of PTI opponents and their intent to protect their democratic mandate.
