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Imran Khan Seeks Election Audit in IMF Letter

Imran Khan Seeks Election Audit in IMF Letter

Imran Khan, the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), is poised to send a letter to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), urging the organization to tie discussions with Pakistan to an examination of the recently conducted elections. PTI Senator Ali Zafar disclosed this information while addressing reporters in Rawalpindi on Thursday, stating that the letter would be dispatched by Khan himself on the same day.

Zafar elaborated on the rationale behind this initiative, citing the charters of international entities such as the IMF and the European Union (EU), which emphasize the significance of good governance in their dealings with countries, especially concerning financial assistance.

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He stressed that democracy stands as a cornerstone of good governance, highlighting allegations of electoral malpractice during the February 8 polls, which, according to him, undermined the democratic process. Zafar further asserted that any organization would hesitate to extend loans to a country where electoral integrity is compromised.

The senator outlined the contents of Khan’s forthcoming letter to the IMF, revealing that it would call for an audit of constituencies where irregularities and rigging are suspected. Khan’s request to the IMF would be to condition the commencement of talks with Pakistan on the completion of this election audit, underscoring the necessity of ensuring transparency and fairness in the electoral process.

It is worth noting that the IMF’s Staff Report, issued subsequent to the First Review under the $3 billion Stand-by Arrangement, acknowledged PTI’s stance on the importance of free and fair elections in the successful execution of the Fund-supported program. This context underscores the significance of Khan’s letter in aligning with PTI’s commitment to electoral integrity and accountability in Pakistan.
